Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I am a smell person (not to be confused w/ a smelly person.) Call me scent-obsessed. More and more I'm realizing that some of my favorite things are scents... freshly cut grass (already touched on), coffee, country air (when not near some dog food plant or diesel trucks), my hair after washing it/using product on it, tea, something baking in the oven, clean laundry right out of the dryer, squash or sweet potatoes cooking on the stove, honeydew melon, etc., etc.

But on second thought, I really like tasting food. And listening to music is good, too. Maybe I like all human experiences. Minus pain. But if you don't experience some pain, how can you appreciate what you have? Okay, I so did not mean to go onto some philosophical tangent. (Hardly.)

Philosophy was not my favorite class in college... Most of the time I was thinking, "So what? Who cares what Mr. Deepthinker thought hundreds of years ago concerning why we are here? Can we just go to the Bible and call it done?" Maybe I'm just not as intellectual as some other people.


Melody said...

Well, most of our sense of taste actually comes from what we smell. Our tongues actually only sense bitter, sweet, salty, and sour...the rest is all smell.

So, I think tasting food still fits in the smell catagory.

But yeah...I can't make music fit there....though when I'm driving my car I definately make it fit in the touch catagory.

Anonymous said...

what about puppy breath,fresh cut watermelon or my favorite,-nitromethane. thats funnycar fuel for those who didn't know.