Thursday, September 20, 2007

Proper Deer Avoidance Procedure

I stand corrected! I did not follow proper deer avoidance procedure on Monday. I got my dad's squirrel hitting tips mixed up with deer avoidance. Do not break for small to medium size critters. What are they going to do to you?

The first and most important action in avoiding a deer is not swerving, just as I thought. However, it is good to break. Assuming you're not being tailgated, it sounds like "you should hit the brakes up until the very last second of impact; suddenly releasing the brakes will send the deer propelling into the roadway rather than into your windshield." This makes sense to me. It also makes me smile. "Take that!"

Next time a deer is in my way, watch out! It won't even touch me.

See other tips at


Beautifully Profound said...

Do you think the same method will apply to kangaroos?

Emily said...

I was just wondering that! I would guess so, but I don't know how they compare. Are kangaroos just as stupid and annoying as deer? Are they similar in weight? Maybe Mik would know?

Beautifully Profound said...

Mik hit a roo right before he came to visit me in February. He clipped it with his car! Lucky he wasn't going very fast because much like deer they are all muscle. He said the thing looked at him and hopped off into the bush. So I imagine they are like deer in a way, just taller.