Friday, October 12, 2007

Lessons in Speaking

I could benefit from thinking before speaking. This doesn't negatively affect me all the time, but on occasion I feel less than tactful.

I was talking with someone this week who is old enough to be my mom, but not much older than that general age range. So she's really not old. But she was telling me how she received the oldest female participant award for a walk/run type event. She acted as if it wasn't anything, but me, trying to be nice, started to say, "No! That means you're still..." I was cut short by her laughter and me biting my tongue.

And sometimes, when trying to be tactful/nice/say anything at all, I end up saying words that when strung together make no sense or cancel out each other's meanings.

Or even better... I'll be talking with someone, taking a certain viewpoint, but by the end of the conversation, I might be making statements that are in conflict with my previous viewpoint, without realizing that I've done anything strange.

Is anyone offering free lessons in everyday speech for the tactfully- and rationally-impaired?


Melody said...

I've seen a few of those lessons on tape - for just 6 easy installements of half your salary, narrated by someone who used to be famous.

I'm not good with the tact thing myself. I'm a little confused about what the line is between tact and outright lying - so I usually either saying something completely untrue like, "Well normally wearing hot pink with lime green isn't so great, but you can totally pull it off," or something awful like, "No time to do laundry?" or even better, "Did you leave the house in that?"

doom and gloom said...

Just speak your mind love and don't fear how other people are going to react to it. If your gong to take lessons from someone then your just going to say what ever the person you took lessons off wants you to and its more than likely that your teacher is doing just that anyway as most people are taught how to teach and are then just repeatists. If you are not going to truly speak your mind to someone your showing unwillingness to share your own reality thus yourself becoming isolated and others becoming alienated, its not a healthy state of affairs, its about time we accepted the people are different and learn to accept love and embrace that and you always are at liberty to turn your back on those you truly can not tolerate.I am a sad bitter occultist suffering from deep depression that at times verges on the suicidal, i am suffering from an emotional trauma thats caused deep psycho sexual problems yet there is a burning inside me that tells me i am somehow closer to God than you are, if you are to perish accept it, i have a desire to say i hope know one shall perish but the inevitable will happen. I send you much love and wish that you get over your fear without bowing down to those who's will it is to control you.

Beautifully Profound said...

You Paul, are the craziest, most outspoken Englishman I know. Like I said, it makes me want to punch you right in the gut.

Beautifully Profound said...

You'll be alright I'm sure. It will get better with time, tact gets better with age. Like wine or cheese.

Emily said...

Paul, thanks for the input/encouragement. Although I don't really fear how others will react to me. That's not it. It's more of me realizing after I've said/not said something that I could have done it better. Sort of perfectionistic. But I'm not that bad. This slight rant (and most of my other posts) wasn't meant to be taken as a personal breakdown. But thanks for the concern!

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