Thursday, August 7, 2008

Poor Judgement

The other day while I was working on something for my class, I thought I had a really funny thought to post on my blog. So last night I looked at the note I had jotted down, with the intention of posting it here. Upon looking at it, I decided that, in some circumstances, my judgement is poor. My hilarious thought was quite dull. Very boring. So boring that it would almost be embarrassing to post it. And yet I'll still post it so you can laugh at how boring it is. Are you ready?

A couple days ago, as I was furiously working away at a paper, I felt like my brain had momentarily frozen up. So I exclaimed aloud, "Brain! Function!"

That's it.

1 comment:

Melody said...

lol, I think that's the curse of blogging. You're living life and it seems like everything is good blog fodder and then you go to type it up and realize, no, no it is not.