Friday, February 29, 2008

That Explains It

The main topic of discussion last night at supper happened to be me. Bits of my childhood, anyway. I even learned something about my past that earily foreshadows the way I function today.

I knew that when I was three months old, my parents brought me along to a family reunion. At this reunion, my great-great aunt Emily (for whom I am named) held me on her lap so my parents could take a picture of us. (I've seen the picture.) But there's one detail my parents failed to tell me... until last night. When she held me, she exclaimed, "Somebody better put some clothes on this child! She's shivering!" And thus explains my need to have layers of clothing on when most people around me claim to be just fine with less.


Randy W said...

Interesting story. I seem to learn things about myself when I was younger each time the family gets together, too.

Melody said...

I neverh ear stories about when I was little, but my little brother loves hearing me tells stories about when I was little. He's fascinated by the difference in my parents then and now (he's 9 years younger).

Robin Marie said...

Lol. love the story.

Miranda said...

Em, concerning the poll, Reagan was in office when we were born. That's how I remember it :)

Unknown said...

about Reagan...yeah...I can remember it because he was President when all three of us kids (my siblings and I) were born...big sister was born in '81, little brother was born in '88. That pretty much spans his presidency.