Monday, February 4, 2008

Sweet Talk

Have you seen the commercial where a guy is ordering inside of a fast food restaurant while talking on his cell phone to his significant other? He says something into the phone, but the lady taking his order thinks he's talking to her. I was reminded of this commercial today.

A guy called the office asking to set up an appointment. No problem. I can do that. When I start questioning him as to what day and time would work best for him, he pauses and says, "Sweetie, are you going to be working then?" When he said this, he sounded muffled. However, every other word he had said previously was also muffled. I pause, thinking him strange, but not wanting to make a big deal out of it, I say, "Yes." He then says, "Oh, I was talking to my girlfriend."

I felt silly finding this out. But this being the case, he should have put his hand over the phone, preceded his change of direction with, "Let me ask my girlfriend," or some other distinction. Then again, I should have known better. Ah, well. At least he wasn't some creep who called me "Sweetie."


Randy W said...

Interesting story. I had something similar to that happen in the grocery store recently. Can be a tad awkward.

Ken said...


all I can say is


Melody said...

I hate it when people don't make it clear who they're talking to. It takes two seconds to let people know who you're addressing. Awkward moments last forever.

Randy W said...

Thanks, I hadn't done one in a few days with a quote. Your comment made me get back to doing so.

Robin Marie said...

A friend of mine in Paris had this huuuuuge crush on a guy who sat next to her in class. One day, she came home from class early, plopped down next to me, and said, "I'm an idiot!" (In French). She went on to explain that this guy had said, "I think you're beautiful," in the middle of class, under his breath, and she figured he had to be talking to her. Oh no, talking to his girlfriend on his little cell phone ear thingy.
As she was telling me about it, a commercial where the same thing happened came on. She cried.

Unknown said...

Robin, I'm crumbling right now just thinking about that. :(

Melody said...

Ouch. I think I would die.

But thanks to Summer of the Swans I never assume any one is talking to me until they've made it quite clear.