Thursday, February 7, 2008

Internet Radio

I'm adding variety to the music I listen to at work so I don't go crazy from jazz overload. I've been listening to a bit of classical guitar and baroque recently, and today I started with a relaxing music channel. I am blessed to listen to songs like "Emerald Forest," "Springtime Wholeness," and "Zen Peace." Oh, yeah. Next time you see me, I'll have an expression of complete and utter serenity on my face. And maybe I'll be hovering over the ground an inch or two.


Randy W said...

Variety is a nice thing. Shakes up our status quo, makes us expand our horizons.

Jonathan Erdman said...

I added a 90s alternative station to your player list on's good stuff to listen to this time of year: dark and depressing!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jon! I'm trying to get happier.