Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Semester's End

I just checked my final grade for my Advanced Tax Topics class...

Aah! It's not an amazing grade, but it is better than I expected. I figured I did better on the final than on the mid-term, but I did a lot better. One semester down, ??? more to go.

My brother's 20th birthday is Friday, and on that day, he'll be coming home for Christmas break. My mom told my dad and me last night that she would like us to eat out to celebrate the occasion. Upon hearing this, I thought something like, "Eat out? Hmm. What is that? Isn't that, like, weird? Don't we have food here at the house?"

My family and I practically never eat out anymore. Unless we are traveling to Florida to see family, in Florida, or Florida family happens to be up visiting us. Other than that, it's like, what's the point?

And my mom is actually telling us that we need to get him presents. I'm okay with this, but the idea that we have to is new to me.

My brother's an egg nog fan. Should I load up every available corner of the fridge with this drink? Or should I buy him a bunch of his favorite candies? The suspense! The indecision!


Melody said...

Glad you did well in your class. It's always exciting to exceed your own expectations.

I think the point of eating out is that someone else cooks. My grandmother had a sign in her kitchen that said, "What's for dinner? Reservations." I don't think she ever cooked anything other than dessert after she hit 50.

I've never been told I had to give someone a present, but aren't they a given on birthdays?

Emily said...

I've never been told I had to give someone a present, but aren't they a given on birthdays?

Not in our house. Well, I guess my mom or dad might ask what we want, but recently I just say "Nothing." Whatever I might have gotten I could have just bought myself or it would be something I would never have wanted.

Melody said...

If someone said, "nothing" in our house they would still get gifts. It has a lot less to do with people being able to buy it on their own and a lot more to do with, "Here, I thought of you."

Emily said...

Yeah, after this was in the back of my mind the rest of the evening, I think I agree w/ you.