Thursday, December 13, 2007

Why I'm Glad I'm Not Brian Williams

Brian Williams was recently asked a question. It's a very simple and straightforward question. It might take a little time for someone to come up with an answer he or she likes, but most people should give a viable answer. Brian Williams, however, must be difficult. Read on:

The question: Who Will Be Person of the Year in 2007?

Mr. Williams's answer: "My nominee for 2007 Person of the Year is a woman--a woman with a history of abuse, a woman who has never run for elective office, someone we all know, someone who makes her presence known on a daily basis in all our lives and, for my money, is better than any male alternative. That woman is Mother Earth. I think the environment is the compelling issue of our time."

Okay, so who can tell me what Mr. Williams did wrong? Think really hard. Do you think he should have chosen a person instead of a planet? Almost any person who has been mentioned on the news could do. It would be debatable, but it would be an answer that fits the question. I have to give it to him for starting to fool us at the beginning of his answer. It was very creative and humorous; but in the end, he showed himself to be the idiot environmentalist that he is.

I am not saying that if you are an environmentalist you are automatically an idiot. I won't agree with you, but I'm sure I can respect your opinion to some degree. But to stoop so low as to pretend the earth is a person is ridiculous.

Maybe Brian Williams could have used an example answer to help him create his own. Here's what Aretha Franklin's answer was:

"There are a number of people who truly deserve this award. However, Bill Cosby is my selection because of his work and involvement in the crisis in the African-American community. Bill's objectives are to alleviate some of the problems and issues facing the community today. He truly represents a universality and global brotherhood, and in his heart and soul, he cares deeply about people."

Wow. First off, she mentioned a living person. Good start. Then notice how she actually listed very compelling reasons why the mentioned person should be 2007's person of the year. I now have a deeper respect for the lady who asked for it back in the day.

1 comment:

Melody said...

I can only assume that his thought process was this, "What can I say that won't be obvious or overdone? Oh I know! I'll pretend something is a person that isn't! No one will see it coming!"

I hate it when people try to be clever by giving an answer that doesn't fit the question.