Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Winter Cleaning

Yesterday evening I wandered into my brother's room to occupy myself. While looking around I mentioned to my brother that he probably didn't need a lot of the junk he had accumulated. Amazingly, my brother agreed with me. So for the rest of the evening this is what we did:

1) I would pick something up.
2) I would give said something to my brother.
3) He would decide if he wanted to give it away, trash/recycle it, shred it, or keep it.
4) He would toss it into the correct pile.

We only followed this process for one corner of his room, but in doing so we got rid of a bunch of old college adverts. Every time we came across Indiana Wesleyan U. material, he would have to make it known that his Taylor U. is so much better. But we agreed on mocking all other colleges together.

It was fun to help him out. I was looking at his things, so I didn't get the inevitable depression that might have ensued if I was going through my own things. Here's some randomness we found:

Photo albums from 10 years ago of when my brother decided he was going to take a picture of everything he could. This mainly meant photos and photos of our guinea pig in its cage or me hiding behind a pillow, a door, a blanket... whatever I could find.

A drawing of his that caused my brother to laugh uncontrollably like an idiotic nerd and made me to laugh so hard that I started crying and had to sit down. (Disclaimer: My brother is not an idiot and outgrew most of his nerdiness in the last year or two.)

A bookmark which stated "Be good and read!" that I had made for him a few years ago when he had summer reading for an English class.

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