Tuesday, July 8, 2008

International Accounting

Last week was the start of the second summer session at IUSB. For it, I'm taking International Accounting, a required course that explores differences in accounting standards throughout the world.

Last night at the end of class, our professor informed us of our group project, including the groups to which we were assigned. Ours met briefly to divide up tasks and figure out when we would meet again for further discussion. This is where things became complicated.

We decided somewhat quickly on the date and time: Saturday afternoon. But with it being summer, we were less certain of the on-campus buildings that would be available to us. One was suggested that the others thought would work, but I was unfamiliar with its location.

The guys in our group attempted to help me. Alan tried explaining its location while Vince drew a cute little map. After I took the map and looked at it a while, Alan asked me if it helped at all. I looked up, smiled, and he replied, "I guess not." Our solution? Decide on a different location.

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