Friday, July 11, 2008


Wow. Two posts in one evening. But they're more complaints than anything else, so don't get too excited. We wouldn't want that.

Driving to and from South Bend a few days a week is starting to become old. I know people who drive more, but that's them, not me, and I'm only thinking about me right now. I mean, you can only listen to the same top 40 songs on the radio so many times.

It hit me this evening that maybe I should get an audio book and listen to that. It's worth a try. I'm thinking something cutesy. A year or two ago I listened to a Scott Adams (Dilbert author) book while doing this or that and found it so funny that I actually laughed out loud on occasion. Maybe I'll see what I can get of his.

1 comment:

Melody said...

Yeah, funny things are good when you have to drive a long way. I usually just stick with music though.