Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Neighborhood Drama

Yesterday evening my neighborhood had a meeting concerning a bit of a hot topic. Both my parents went... with differing views. Mom tried to get Dad to promise that he either wouldn't go or open his mouth, but she didn't succeed. When they came home after its finish, I asked, "So you both came back alive?"


Melody said...

Hot topic? What happened, did someone paint their house an ugly color? Tacky lawn ornament?

Emily said...

The city is considering extending the Beyer Farm Trail that goes by the hospital and Pike Lake. If they do this, it will basically encourage any kind of hobo to walk directly behind our house. Oh, no! Dad is for, Mom and bro against. I don't really care.

Melody said...

Interesting. I didn't know they had a trail there at all.

Unknown said...

I like that trail... it's a good running trail... I run on it when I'm visiting the 'rents. For what it's worth, I've never encountered any hobos while running on it :)

Emily said...

I haven't seen any, either. But you never know...

Unknown said...

Actually, it sounds like the extension won't affect our part of the neighborhood... so all is well.