Monday, April 14, 2008


I am indecisive. It is hard for me to make up my mind on many things much of the time. I'll lean one way, then another, and if a third or a fourth option arises, I'm just plain paralyzed.

But at least I'm gaining some company. There's someone I know who told me last month that she was leaning in direction A. Last week I asked her for an update, and she informed me of direction B, only a few days later to switch back to direction A. And this is someone who I thought was good at deciding and sticking!

Actually, if you look at it another way, I am decisive. I can decide on something. The problem is that it's hard to stick to that decision.

It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode in which Jerry thinks he had made a reservation at a car rental business only to find out they took the reservation but didn't hold it (emphasizing the holding being the most important part of the reservation).

But you know what I realized a few days ago? It's okay if I'm confused. I don't need to rush into a new decision. I can just be thankful for what I've got right now.

...or can I?

1 comment:

Melody said...

Love it. Especially the last bit,

It's okay if I'm confused. I don't need to rush into a new decision. I can just be thankful for what I've got right now....or can I?

I'm a bad decision maker too.