Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Train Wreck

I was part of a train wreck last night that was a class presentation. When I got home, my parents immediately asked me, "So how did it go?"

I said, "Not well."

They asked, "Which part?"

I replied, "All of it."

And then Dad tried saying nice things when all I wanted to do was let it go. But it's just about all my mind falls on today...


Miranda said...

I'm sorry Em! I know that you had to say everyone's parts and that would be hard. It's over and worrying isn't going to help (easier said than done I know!) Cheer up! We can go party this weekend and it will all be good! :)

Unknown said...


Ken said...

I'm sorry to read that. Group projects can be frustrating.

I take it you were working on this sunday? A number of people asked about you.

Unknown said...

Yes. I skipped to work on it. But I'll be in this Sunday!

Robin Marie said...

ick. I hate class presentations.

Emily said...

I hope I didn't come off as complaining about the rest of my group. Most of the blame can be put on me.