Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sickness Is All in the Mind

This is what my dad claims. Brainpower, he says, is what keeps him from getting sick. Of course, he can have a fever and aches, throw up, and maybe even succumb to a rare disease that causes him to lose a limb without it being sickness.

Sickness, according to my dad, is missing work. And since my dad hasn't missed work for bodily happenings in... well, ever, he thinks he can say that he's immune to it.

And so on those occasions when my dad is practically coughing up a lung, I smile and make a nice little comment about how he must have lost his brainpower. He counters with, "I'm not sick," and I finish with, "Mmmhmmm."


Miranda said...

I think it must be a male trait. Every guy I know doesn't want to admit that they are sick and need to go see a doctor.

Unknown said...

When I think about it, my dad's the main guy I know who "doesn't get sick."

I guess part of why my dad insists he isn't sick is b/c he thinks if he tells himself this, it will go away faster. There might actually be a little truth to it.

Melody said...

I always try to ignore being sick...but it never makes it go away.