Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"The Office" Personality Quiz

I have now taken a quiz to see what character from "The Office" I am most like. I guessed it would figure me as a Pam type, and I was right. Considering she's one of the more normal people, your average female quiz taker will probably come out as a Pam type as well. (But if you come out as a non-Pam, that's okay.)

If you want to take the 20 questions, click here. If you couldn't care less about "The Office," you might be finding me mingling in your crowd soon. The lack of new shows (or even the playing of reruns) has contributed to my growing lack of enthusiasm for the sitcom.


Ken said...

I guess we go together well,

I am most like Jim...

Anonymous said...

You're right, I am most like Pam. Although I have never watched the office, I got a glimse of the different personality types :)

Unknown said...

I actually took that quiz about a week-ish or so...I was like Pam. I even took it twice, changing my answers on a few questions where I was waffling between two answers...the second time I also came out as Pam. But yeah, you make a good point - most of the other characters, aside from Jim and Pam, are so over the top that most people probably wouldn't be most like them.

Some of my Office enthusiasm has waned since there haven't been new episodes recently...but it's quite possible that it'll come back when there are new episodes. I do think that the writer's strike came at a really bad time for the series though...I think a lot of people will have lost interest by the time it comes back with new episodes because the Jim-Pam tension in the previous seasons has finally been resolved. People are satisfied with that (rather important) aspect of the show, so they don't have as much reason to tune in. I still think it's a darn funny show, though, so hopefully it does continue for awhile longer after the strike is resolved.

And now that I've practically written a book here, I'm going to bed.

Unknown said...

oh, ps...if you want to see another hilarious TV comedy, check out "Arrested Development"'s not on TV anymore, so you'll have to get your hands on it in DVD form, but it's totally worth it. It's amazing. Words cannot begin to describe it fantasticness.

And now I really am going to bed.

Melody said...

I've only seen a couple episodes and I thought it was weird. But one of my friends loves The Office and told me that it helps to watch the first season, so we're going to have a The Office-a-thon some Saturday and catch me up on what the show is.

I came out as Pam.