Friday, January 4, 2008

College Flashback

Last night I went to bed early. Well, early for me. I had the lights out by 10 p.m. and fell asleep very nicely. However, I later awoke to my parents watching television, talking, and laughing. Looking at my clock, it was 11 p.m. Uggghhhh, I thought. I got out of bed and into the hallway, squinting in the light. I looked at my parents and said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm trying to sleep." At that I went back to bed and fell asleep again.


Melody said...

That's a flashback to college?

My college flashbacks sleeping mid-afternoon because I'd stayed up so late the night before.

Of course lately I go to be 11ish most nights...or I try to anyhow.

Emily said...

Well, not exactly. The part about me going to bed early in no way reflects my college habits. The part about occasionally having to let people know that noise can prevent someone from falling (or staying) asleep was what reminded me of college.