Monday, June 9, 2008

Who Am I?

I don’t know who I am. Well, I didn’t know who I was on Sunday…

Sunday afternoon I was at Miranda’s bridal shower, which I enjoyed. My main responsibility for the event was putting together some games.

The first game was called “Who Am I?” This involved me taping names of famous females, whether real or fictitious, onto the backs of the guests as they arrived. The guests were then to figure out who they were by asking people around them “yes” or “no” questions. I wasn’t planning on participating, since I had personally selected each name and thought it would be an unfair advantage. Miranda, however, decided I needed to play, too, and taped a name onto me.

Guess who the last person was to figure out her mystery identity??? If you guessed “Emily,” you are correct. This being the case, even thought I had a head start on most of the participants. I was working with this information: I was fictitious, possibly a cartoon, had blonde hair and an unbelievable figure. It wasn’t until Miranda exclaimed, “You used to date Ken!” that I had an epiphany: I am Barbie. Or I was, rather, for an afternoon.

On a side note, don’t break into Christ’s Covenant Church. The alarm that goes off is very loud. And the police show up.


Miranda said...

Oh the memories we will have from that day!!! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

There were some "sweet" moments...

Unknown said...

I'm glad the shower was memorable. Sorry I couldn't be there.

But Miranda, I thought you'd like to know that the ex-boyfriend is getting married on the same day as you, and I'm choosing your wedding over his. You're welcome :)
Though actually, I should probably thank you for making the decision about whether or not to attend his wedding quite easy, and giving me a good reason to decline his invite :)

Unknown said...

We'll see you at the wedding! And that will even better.