Friday, January 18, 2008

Money: What a Wonderful Word

My mom was telling me yesterday that I should save for the long-term as much as I give. My first thought was, "Whatever. I already save." But after her words settled a little more, I think I agree with her.

So... I'm vamping up my saving. And in order to do that I need to keep a closer watch on where my money is going. I know that generally school, gas, food and the like nibble away at my paycheck, but I need to be able to sit down and say, "Ohhhh. I'm spending too much on _____. I need to cut down on that next month."

I'd like to think that I have good spending habits, but it seems that I'd have more set aside right now if I was really doing a good job.

1 comment:

Melody said...

I have loserly spending habits. I know I need to keep a tigher watch on my budget, but it hasn't happened yet.