Monday, March 17, 2008

South Bend Sunday

Yesterday afternoon my mom and I went to South Bend on a quest to find new shoes that would satisfy my pickiness. Result: success! Two new pairs of shoes have found their way into my closet. And I must say, they're quite cute and put my older shoes to shame.

To celebrate the find, we went to Olive Garden. Mom had some kind of alfredo with shrimp, which I tasted. I skipped supper and went straight for dessert: tiramisu and cappuccino, which Mom tasted. My routine involved taking a bite of one and then sipping the other, back and forth until I had my fill.

It was good to spend time with just Mom. It seems I don't do it very often. The drive to and from, walking through the mall, and eating out gave us a chance to talk. I tend to forget that my mom is an actual person, not just a mom or a wife.


Robin Marie said...

Thanks for the reminder. I think I need to spend some time with my mom...

Ken said...

congrats on the shoes - such a trial!

I'm glad you had a good time last night.

Melody said...

Hurray for new shoes!